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Multi-days Trip

Sail with us for a week and discover the Wadden Islands! To make it easier for you, we have already put together a few multi-day trips for you. There is time to view the islands and with most week trips we also land at least once.

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Sail with us

Sail with us for a week and discover the Wadden Islands! To make it easier for you, we have already put together a few multi-day trips for you. There is time to visit the islands and with most week trips we also land at least once.

Week trips from Harlingen
Week trips from Lau­wers­oog
Overview of all Multi-day trips


Minimum 5 sailing trips during a week trip between the islands on board a tra­di­ti­o­nal sailing ship. Varying in duration from 2 hours to ap­proxi­ma­te­ly 14 hours. The duration depends on the distance to be covered, the tide and the wind.

Visit to multiple Wadden Islands, during a week trip we visit 4 islands.
A half day or longer per island to explore the islands in­de­pen­dent­ly
A fresh breakfast every day
All meals while we are underway
Overnight stay on board, your bed has a duvet

On board the Stevenaak Minerva you will sleep in com­for­ta­ble 2 and 4 person cabins, bed linen is provided but bring your own towel. And of course your tooth­brush and such.

The clipper Willem Jacob has one large hold with bunk beds built in. So you sleep together in 1 large space.

Not included

  • A bicycle. You can take this with you for an ad­di­ti­o­nal fee, but it is actually much more con­ve­nient to rent a bicycle on the islands yourself. We often lie alongside several ships and your bicycle has to be lifted on and off. The space on board is also limited.

  • Round trips. The ships also sail boat trips from the islands, these are in principle not included, but you can book them.


Breakfast is always included. And if the meal time falls during a trip, then lunch and/or dinner is also included. Sometimes you stay on the island for a day. Then we expect you to explore the island and look for the nice res­tau­rants for lunch and dinner on the Island.

Themed trips

Multi-days Trip

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