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Photo Contest Minerva en Willem Jacob

Eilandhopper is looking for photos. Have you been on the Minerva or Willem Jacob in recent years and have you photographed them sailing past?

Photo Contest

If you want to have a chance to win a beautiful boat trip, send your photo(s) to: info@ei­land­hop­ .

Two winners will be drawn twice a year from the photos. Winners will receive a boat trip worth € 40. The photos will be used for ad­ver­ti­sing purposes. It does not ne­ces­sa­ri­ly have to be a photo of a sailing ship, it can also be a detail photo, as long as the ship is re­cog­ni­za­ble.

Send the photos with at least 2 MB, possibly with We Transfer or a similar program.
In con­nec­ti­on with privacy, do not send photos in which guests are re­cog­ni­za­ble.

By par­ti­ci­pa­ting, you grant Ei­land­hop­per a non-exclusive, permanent, ir­re­vo­ca­ble, unlimited license to use, publish or republish your photo in con­nec­ti­on with the promotion of Ei­land­hop­per.

The skippers will select the most beautiful photos and the winners will be contacted directly and announced via Social Media.

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